Tien tips om te overleven op school, hier heb ik voor gekozen omdat nog veel kinderen er moeite mee hebben en het niet durven te vragen. Deze tips zijn handig voor de middelbare school daar heb ik ze ook op gebaseerd. Dus ik hoop dat je er iets aan hebt!
De 10 Tips:
- Neem al je spullen die je nodig hebt mee!
- Maak je huiswerk.
- Begin op tijd met leren.
- Kleed je normaal.
- Zorg dat je fit bent.
- Eet genoeg.
- Gedraag je niet als een malloot.
- Luister naar je docenten.
- Goed opletten.
- Zet je fiets op slot.
Ik heb er voor gekozen om een engels boek te lezen en daarbij ook een engelse samenvatting te maken omdat ik engels leuker en fijner lezen vindt.
Titel: Bully
Author: Yvonne Coppard
Main characters: Kerry, Billy, Wayne June
Location: England
Kerry Hollis is a girl from my age (15), She walks strange cause she was involved with a car accident, She was very good in gymnastics, one of the best. kerry changed schools and they have moved to the same place as the school is in. Her mum is very conserned about Kerry because she has no friends at the new school and she’s being bullied. After all her mum was the driver of the crashed car.
The teacher at the school are a bit concerned as well cause they see there’s something not right. Teachers had a talk with her but Kerry just denied that there ewas something wrong at her way home Billy and Wayne where waiting for her. The bully’s threw her bag n the dog shit and her dad had to buy a new bag.
After a few weeks she met a girl named June, they became friends when they knew eachother a bit better.
Onde day she was looking to her prizes she won with gymnastiks and she saw the back name of one of her bully’s “Taggart”. She Uses that artikel to stop the bullying. After a few days billy is too afraid to go to school, and Kerry tries to gym gain. When she was at the gym Wayne searched her up and beat her.
She went to Billy to tell stuff and she founf out why Billy’s didn’t came to school the past few days, his mum has cancer.
Kerry decieded to beat up Wayne and she did. While she was beating him here dad stopped Kerry, he brought Wayne to the hospital.
Since then Kerry isn't bullied anymore.